
                 There are many eye catching sites you can see when you visit Ancient Rome using the GoRome travel agency.  This part of your trip will include many things that will show you how the Romans believed.  Once you step foot on Ancient Rome you will never want to leave.  You whole trip was made possible by all of the staff here at GoRome.
                  Worship was very important to the Romans because it guided them through life.  Their worship was divided into public, and private.  Public worship was more organized/formal.  It was mostly festivals that many people could partake in, including you.  Private worship was more like having your family praise the gods.  The gods were very involved in their normal lives, and so was their religion.  Praising the gods was very important to them and the practices were very diverse.  ope you can come out here and see them!

        Once you step out of the Bubble of Time, you will want to visit the Christian churches.  These churches were originally designed to worship the gods of Rome, but after the gruesome death of Jesus Christ, the Romans converted to Christianity.  The temples were then torn down (which you could potentially see during your visit) so they could be converted into Christian churches. The Romans went from being Polytheistic (worshipping two or more gods) to being monotheistic (worshipping one god).  You should visit the Romans' churches because you can take part in the viewing of some of the most important religious ceremonies ever. The churches are a great place to visit because you will get a chance to see the amazing art inside of it and watch how the priests performed ceremonies.  The gods were some of the most influential people in the Romans lives, so you better put this on your checklist!

        Before the churches were torn down, there were amazing paintings of the gods.  Some of the gods that appeared in paintings a lot were Neptune, Pluto and Jupiter.  Neptune was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.  He appeared in paintings a lot, looking like a mature, bearded man.  So the next time you swim in the ocean, or hear about earthquakes...it might be a sign!!  He will often be seen carrying a 3-pronged trident.  Hith his brother, Pluto, he was the god of the Underworld.  He was barely worshipped by the Romans and did not appear in art a lot.  But when he did, he had a beard, and looked very mature.  But this god is not one you would want to cross paths with. The Romans deeply worshipped Jupiter.  He was the god of the sky, and appeared in art a lot.  He looked much like his brothers, but was mostly seen carrying an eage or a thunderbolt, to show his power.  You should see these paintings because you can see what the Romans thought of their main gods and how they worshipped them.  You should watch out for these gods because you might cross paths with some of them!
Statue of Neptune.
        Did you know that Roman priests had to go to special colleges in order to qualify to be one?  Well, they did.  They could attend the Augures or the Pontifices.  If you attended the Augures college, you could be a priest that would be elected for life.  They were the only people who could read signs from the gods.  If you attended the Pontifices, you would be the most important priest and would control state religion.  You should visit these colleges because you can see how the priests were chosen, and how they could worship them based on what college they went to.
        Have you ever seen a Roman house before?  Have you ever toured one?  Well, now is you chance.  Our GoRome staff has been to Rome so many times, that we have special connections with some of the people there. A nice man named Aurelius Corbin is giving you a chance to tour his house!  When you tour his home, he will show you where the spirits are.  The house spirits look after the house and family.  Every home has a specific spirit that will watch over the well being of the house.  He will talk to you about Penates, and Vesta.  Penates was the spirit of the cupboard.  Vesta was the goddess of the hearth.  Everything Aurelius will show you about the spirits, is a form of private worship.
         As you can see, these are many reasons why you should visit Rome with GoRome travel agency.  We are the most reliable out there, so reserve your seats in the Bubble of Time now!  We really hope to see you soon!

Contact Info:

Courtney Knapp
Religion expert at GoRome
Harvard Graduate
[email protected]


"The British Museum." http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/article_index/g/the_greek_god_poseidon.aspx (May 9, 2011.)

"The British Museum." http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/article_index/g/the_greek_god_hades.aspx (May 9, 2011.)

"The British Museum." http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/article_index/g/the_greek_god_zeus.aspx (May 9, 2011.)

"PBS." www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/worship.html (May 9, 2011.)

"Roman religion." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 22 May 2011.

"School History." http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/year7links/romans/christianity.pdf (May 9, 2011.)"BBC." http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/christianityromanempire_article_01.shtml (May 9, 2011)

"Statue of Neptune." [Online Image] Available at: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/161918_189730267706778_4410955_n.jpg, May 21, 2011.

"Roman Temple." [Online Image] Available at: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/108/315071233_f794d81549_b.jpg, May 21, 2011.

Research Questions:

-What were the Roman god equivalents of the Greek god brothers Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus?

-What was their function, and how did they appear in paintings?

-What was public and private worship and what the people of Rome do to participate?

-What were the two most important colleges for priests to attend and what did they mean?

-Why were Romans persecuted because they were Christians, and what emperor was responsible for this?

-How did Christianity come to influence the Romans and how did ideas od Christianity spread to other empires?